This is a site event that will be played for a week in the following months.
January 21nd-27th
April 1st-7th
July 11th-17th
November 7th-17th
Rules to this are simple the Reps system will be put on and everyone must get in to groups of 4-6 (your choice). If you are on the group you will be pressing + for your teamates and for your oppenents -. Now you can post away like you normaly would but will doing this try rac up some points. Now the winning team will have a choice of 3 prices
1000 rings, a chance to appear on who wants to be a millonare or create a categorey.
Note for prize 2 you will put into a draw with your team mates and for the 3rd prize if your if your category is not active for 50 days it will be locked and trashed.
Also note that the team captain gets to choose the prize and 5 groups may only be created and the groups will be made 3 days before this starts so best of luck. Event will start when we have reached 40 members!